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#TWFT52 Prompt 44: The Word for This is "OLD"

An hour (don’t fall

back, you’ve come this

far) is a round thing, expanding

into the full curve of

its Self, or perhaps

flattened so thin there

remains no room even

for a speck of memory, distorted

infinity of all or nothing; ticked

off and

returned, to the

place where

we started.

Does the word make you think of the past or the future?

What does getting older feel like for you?

How do events from long ago impact you today?

At the very beginning and end of life, time slows. We mark births and deaths to the second; minutes, then hours, days, weeks, months, years. Then it starts to reverse.

My thinking and writing today are very much like my sense of time. Distorted, fragmented. Tear-soaked. I just don’t feel like trying to make sense of myself today.

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