#TWFT52 Prompt 13: The Word for This is "BREAK"
How long before I shatter (how long since the first time?), shards fracture, scatter across floors, life forces pour from structures...
If you are in crisis, please know you are not alone. Help and hope are waiting for you here.
How long before I shatter (how long since the first time?), shards fracture, scatter across floors, life forces pour from structures...
Join me in the corner, pressed into the angle where walls merge, solidarity to bear the weight above; I sit in solitary observation, this...
I’ve been doing this work, in this space, for six months – which is not anything like a long time. But I’ve been pretty immersed,...
We reach, fingertips ridged to mark each you and me unique, seeking in this chasm of zeroes and ones, minuscule squares by the millions,...
I wince, flinch at a welcomed touch, the space between shoulder and ear, where I hear (His voice), where I hold too much; Or particular...
You abhor (as He did) what You taught (was my fate, failed, to replicate?) Me to be, what threatened Him, mandated My flesh as...
This is My nature: nurtured to stand guard, every cell trained to misfire, to tire My atoms, exhaust each bond, bones shattered,...
Ratty taffeta gauze, chiffon bandage grime sewn over parts of me You demanded I hide; nails no longer bitten raw, I have now the sharps...
Confession: to the extent I have a plan, I’d intended to write this month’s official “A Word from Jess” post on self-love. Y’know, a...
I inflict, conflicted over which thing to punish my Self more for, this time. Which not-good-Enough is which, rich with the trodden...
by Theresa McCool I wish I could feel safe in this world when I am alone to be able to walk the street I wish I could feel safe If a...
They say Mothers protect their (was I ever) young; instincts of mammals, creatures that seek warmth (how old will I be when the shivering...
by @SaltyAboutIt and @TheWordForThis [Every survivor is different. Every conversation is different, and I'm letting it take shape...
Do you want to taste (do You really need that?) something sweet, pulled fresh from the oven (damned if I do), damned if I don’t want just...
by Anonymous_190124 When I was 10, I was molested by my best friend’s father. It was very confusing. I felt it was me. It felt good. I...
You taught me this, by word and omission; never hunger, never feed; never receive (as if anyone would tender this). But still, to...
"I didn't wander into motherhood or nonmotherhood unconsciously, recklessly. I gave it due consideration." Stumbled on this quote from...
A child who Knew Things, who saw a crone’s face iridescent in a doorknob (they didn’t believe) warning me of Him; asked about the red...
This is imperfect, and incomplete. I’m new, as activist, as feminist. New in my anti-racism self-education, self-evaluation, expressions,...
My life’s sentence, thoughts punctuated and offset within, lived as a curl at the end of certainty; a peak in voice and tone, a...